SANTA MONICA, Calif. – U.S. News announced a two-year extension of its deal with TrueCar to continue the company’s new car buying program. As part of their new agreement, customers will now have access to pre-owned vehicles available through TrueCar’s network of certified dealers.
U.S. News and TrueCar began the program in 2011 and have sold more 40,000 vehicles at an average savings of $3,221 off of MSRP.
“It’s an ideal relationship, U.S. News has well-informed car shoppers and TrueCar offers them data about what others in their community paid for a similar vehicle,” said Jim Nguyen, TrueCar executive vice president of OEM and partner development.
The U.S. News car-buying program is part of the U.S. News Best Cars website, which has published rankings for new vehicles sold in America since 2007. The website receives more than 45 million unique visitors annually, 65% of whom are actively shopping for a new car, according to U.S. News.
U.S. News is part of TrueCar’s more than 140 affinity partners whose members have access to guaranteed savings off of MSRP through their partnerships. Affinity group members have so far purchased over 1 million vehicles from TrueCar Certified Dealers. Other TrueCar affinity partners include Consumer Reports, AAA, and USAA.
Originally posted on F&I and Showroom
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