SAN JOSE, Calif. — Results of a survey conducted by FICO revealed that Millennials still seek the freedom and the convenience of owning their own car. They just don't want to finance their next purchase through a dealership.

The survey, which polled 1,000 U.S. consumers over the age of 17, was conducted between last October and November. It found that 19% of Millennails polled need a vehicle so badly they would buy it on their credit card, even through the interest rates would be high. A full cash purchase was preferred (34%), with 27% saying they would get funding through banks and credit unions. Twenty percent of Millennials surveyed said they would finance their purchase through a dealer.

Milllennials weren't the only demographic polled, as the age groups represented in the survey were 18-24, 25-34, and 35-49 year olds. The Millennial generation — aged 25-34 — accounted for 39% of the people that said they would purchase a new vehicle in the coming year. Those that were 18-24 accounted for 22% and those 35-49 accounted for 28%.

And when all respondents were considered, 82% of them said auto dealers are still the preferred choice for financing a vehicle. Millennials, however, were more likely to consider purchasing a car through sites like Craigslist, eBay and AutoTrader, results showed.

“There is an opportunity for auto lenders to attract Millennial consumers who aren’t being served by traditional lenders,” said Ken Kertz, auto practice director for FICO. “This study shows how important owning your own car is to people both for their livelihood and for the convenience of it. Defaults are generally low with cars, so there is scope to optimize lending to offer better deals to lower-risk customers, as well as broadening the pool of potential customers eligible for loans.”

Originally posted on F&I and Showroom