SAN FRANCISCO — Auto dealers face a scarcity of quality leads, razor-thin profit margins on new-car sales, and a need to maximize fixed ops revenue. But most continue to deliver a customer experience that forces dealership personnel to scramble for information whenever a potential or existing customer contacts the store.
That is the challenge tackled by “How to Humanize Your Dealership,” a new white paper offered free of charge to dealers by Zendesk, a leading provider of advanced customer service platforms. The author, Ryan Nichols, said the white paper is a product of his experience with auto dealers around the nation, many of whom have enjoyed skyrocketing CSI scores after adopting an “omnichannel” approach to customer service.
“When a customer calls your dealership, it tends to be a pointed inquiry that demands — and deserves — a specific answer, and your employees want to give it to them,” said Nichols, who serves as general manager of Zendesk Talk. “The omnichannel experience makes that possible, and it is unquestionably a game-changer for automotive sales and service.”
The white paper addresses the topic from the auto dealer’s perspective, breaking down the components of an omnichannel experience and demonstrating how it improves the customer and employee experience, gives dealers and managers new levels of insight into performance and ratings, and promotes communication and cooperation among departments, among other advantages.
To download a free copy of “How to Humanize Your Dealership,” click here.
Originally posted on F&I and Showroom