In the buy here pay here business, deal structure must be sound, which means it makes sense for the dealer and the customer. Brent Carmichael, BHPH expert, explains the components that make up deal structure—term, payment, interest rate, back-end products, and vehicle.
In the last half of the year, buy here pay here dealers revisit their underwriting. BHPH expert Brent Carmichael discusses four areas BHPH dealers should focus on for proper underwriting.
BHPH expert Brent Carmichael breaks down the formula for selling during the dog days of summer—training, appearance, marketing and advertising.
Brent Carmichael, BHPH industry expert, covers the best and most cost effective ways to ensure your dealership has an Internet presence.
As a BHPH expert who was once resistant to the Internet, Brent Carmichael explains how important the Internet is for buy here pay here dealers and shares some of the Internet tools BHPH dealers can use to help run their businesses.
Buy here pay here industry expert Brent Carmichael discusses what BHPH dealers can expect in 2011 with regards to inventory availability, funding, sales, portfolio performance, underwriting, collections, charge-offs, and compliance.
Brent Carmichael shares some tips with BHPH dealers to get sales and payments in December, typically the most difficult month of the year.
Brent Carmichael - The Consumer Finance Protection Agency will soon be regulating BHPH dealers. While the full impact this will have on BHPH dealers is unknown, some of the potential ramifications of the CFPA’s oversight is discussed.
Brent Carmichael - The hottest topic right now in the BHPH world has to be inventory. Not only where but what to buy, how to find it and how to purchase it.
Brent Carmichael - The Internet is the greatest invention since, well, ever! I don’t know how we as a society ever survived without it. When it comes to buy here pay here, not taking advantage of this wondrous tool will almost ensure a short and lackluster future in our industry.