“Never Stop Driving” is dedicated to “those who have driven, and those who will.” - Photo courtesy Motorbooks

“Never Stop Driving” is dedicated to “those who have driven, and those who will.”

Photo courtesy Motorbooks

(Bobit) — Motorwooks has released “Never Stop Driving: A Better Life Behind the Wheel,” a new book edited by veteran automotive journalist Larry Webster. Filled with full-page photos and contributions from such high-profile car enthusiasts as Jay Leno, Patrick Dempsey, and Mario Andretti, makes the case for the mental and social benefits of driving and engaging with automobiles.

The act of driving, maintaining, and repairing a car is a shared American experience that drives out distraction and demands we be “present,” making a driving a pursuit that invites not just the freedom of the road but the potential to connect with thousands of likeminded individuals, according to the publishers.

“The book is essentially a love letter to the art and act of driving,” says Webster. “With driverless cars on the horizon, it’s worth celebrating the fact that for many people there are enormous benefits to simply taking a drive in the country or getting dirty under the hood.”

“Never Stop Driving: A Better Life Behind the Wheel” is available from Amazon and other booksellers.

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