“Green peas” in the car business are asked on a daily basis to do and say things that can compromise their integrity. While many unethical closing techniques can be highly effective, they eventually will sour their attitude because in their hearts they all want to be able to tell their customers the truth, serve them and do what is right. It can be scary to make a change in your process and your word tracks. Conduct an experiment: For one week change your approach by seeking to serve your customers, to uncover what’s truly important to them, to speak the truth and to always “do the right thing.” To your surprise, the experimental week may turn into a month, your enthusiasm for your product and your profession will go through the roof along with your success on the showroom floor. |
Selling with character and integrity will make you feel better about yourself and your profession which will translate into improved relationships with your customers, your colleagues, your friends, and your family. Not only can you succeed in the car business by living with character and integrity, but contrary to public opinion, it is in fact the only way to really succeed. Below is a summary of what character can do for you. Character Equals Success Although there are many different leadership styles and personalities, the most successful leaders share one common trait: Character. A great leader’s character attracts and inspires others to work towards a common mission. Just think about the successful leaders you respect the most and ask yourself if they demonstrate strong character and integrity. Do you sense a characteristic of integrity? Are they trust worthy? You may want to ask yourself how others view you. Do people perceive you as a person of strong character and someone to trust? Are there any areas of your life where you could improve your character? Are you willing to make changes and difficult decisions to be the person you want to be? To answer some of these questions you may want to consider some of the benefits of being a person with unshakeable integrity. |
Character Equals Clarity Living a life that lacks integrity surrounds a person with partial truths that lead to fuzzy thinking and difficult decision making. On the other hand, when a person of character lives and works with unshakable integrity they enjoy a sense of peace and clarity that enables them to create their vision and communicate it. When people are inspired by a leader who leads with character, they share a sense of mission that brings out the best. Character Equals Confidence Leaders with character and integrity who do the right thing feel good frequently and this affects their confidence. With every right decision, great leaders build their internal architecture in a way that builds self esteem and confidence needed for those difficult decisions in life. The most difficult decisions are often the ones that others don’t agree with. A leader is often measured by their ability to handle tough situations and blaze new trails where others dare not venture nor believe in. The confidence of a leader with character can stiffen the spine of those around them when they need the courage to accomplish more than they thought possible. |
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