Carsfast connects car buyers to pre-approved financing and cars directly through their cellphones. - IMAGE: Black Book

Carsfast connects car buyers to pre-approved financing and cars directly through their cellphones.

IMAGE: Black Book

LAWRENCEVILLE, Georgia – Black Book, known in the automotive industry for providing timely, independent and precise vehicle pricing and analytics, today announced the integration of its used API values and inventory pricing into Carsfast. Carsfast provides a contactless service that allows consumers to shop and get financed for thousands of cars from their cell phones. Currently, Carsfast is running through a suite of six different lenders and is live in three states: Arizona, Texas, and Illinois. Their Artificial Intelligence technology communicates to consumers based on their needs and preferences matching shoppers with a range of vehicles that suit their personal and financial circumstances. Vehicles can be directly delivered straight to the consumer’s door or picked up from a partner dealer at any time that suits their needs. 

Carsfast is like ‘texting a friend,’ our buyers state exactly what they want instead of trawling through limited Classifieds.

“Black Book’s integrated VIN specific valuation and vehicle decoding data helps to power the Carsfast decision engine, that is utilized in  the acquisition of appraisals, as well as inventory pricing,” said Jared Kalfus, EVP, Revenue for Black Book. “That data allows car buyers simple and efficient transactions and relieves them from the pressure of the typical sales cycle.”

Carsfast drives consumers from the top of the funnel through to delivery of the vehicle, providing consumers with an easy, transparent and personalized service.

“With the integration of Black Book’s data, we can precisely generate a list of pre-approved vehicles through our AI and Decision Engine,” said Shaun Sumaru, CEO, Carsfast. “Carsfast is like ‘texting a friend,’ our buyers state exactly what they want instead of trawling through limited Classifieds. We provide our customers a simple service to buying a car directly through their cellphones.”

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