Scott Dreisbach - Your stocking guide needs to be based on actual sales rate, not forecasts. This “ideal” stocking guide number should then be compared on a daily basis to the actual availability for each category and model year.
Scott Dreisbach discusses how technology can help dealers make better inventory management choices more accurately and faster than ever before.
Scott Dreisbach - The importance of precise vehicle inventory management has never been more clearly defined than it is today. It is well known that precise vehicle inventory management can be the difference in whether or not we operate our stores at a profit or loss.
Scott Dreisbach - I have seen many stores try to save (through expenses) themselves into a profit. This is a slippery slope and if expense restructuring isn’t thought through very carefully, many of the wrong things can be put on the chopping block. One of...
Scott Dreisbach - Every single successful retailer of any product across this great country of ours has at least one thing in common. They all desire to gain market share on their competitor. They all want to sell more ...
Scott Dreisbach - The vehicle inventories you've invested in are no different than any other type of investment portfolio...
Scott Dreisbach - Have you ever wondered how one of your competitors always seems to be able to deliver more vehicles than you, how someone in your 20 Group was continuously selling 1-to-1 (or more) used vehicles to new, or how they grossed more per unit than you?
Scott Dreisbach - Each manufacturer expects dealers to start ordering new products to integrate into their dealership inventories. With this expectation, each dealer must determine how many vehicles will be ...
Scott Dreisbach - It rears its ugly head from time to time and we all have to deal with the consequences it brings down upon us. It infects our mind, body and spirit. It feeds on vehicle inventory management decisions that were made without scientific facts.
Scott Dreisbach - It is relatively simple, stock more of what your customers are looking for and your investment will become more active. A more active investment means quicker turnover...